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The aim of Classics teaching at all levels at KGS is to foster a lifelong interest in and love of the Classics. The study of Latin and Classical Greek enables students to understand how languages work and will improve not only their English but also other modern languages, while being a rigorous and fulfilling study in its own right. Ancient History and Civilisation
offers a fascinating insight into the minds, philosophy, politics and cultures which have arguably influenced Western culture more than any other. 

Latin is compulsory for all students in the First and Second Year. We study the Cambridge Latin Course, which follows Quintus, his family and friends through their adventures in Pompeii, Roman Britain, Egypt and Rome itself.

Carpe diem


The course combines language teaching using e-resources and online activities with a creative approach to studying Roman history and society. Students can often be found acting out sketches from the textbook, producing news reports on the eruption of Vesuvius or filming trailers for the latest myth-inspired blockbuster. 

GCSE and A Level Latin and Greek

Classical Greek is offered from Third Year to those students in the top Latin set. At GCSE and A Level students combine their study of the languages with reading ancient texts. Written by some of the most famous names in Classical literature, such as Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Cicero, these texts allow students to immerse themselves in the world of the ancients. 

Latin Classical Greek A Level course guide

A Level Classical Civilisation

The A Level Ancient History and Civilisation course combines a study of epic literature, Greek theatre and Roman politics, all in English. Here students follow Aeneas as he rises like a phoenix from the ashes of Troy to become the first Roman hero; they see Oedipus and Pentheus prove that crossing the gods results in agonising consequences, contrasted with the gentle ‘brekekekax, koax, koax’ of the Frog chorus; and they unravel the complicated web of Roman politics towards the end of the Republic.

Ancient History and Civilisation A Level course guide 

Classics Information Booklet


  • Head of Classics, Ms L Andrew
  • Assistant Director of Studies and Head of Academic Scholars, Mrs E Pytel
  • Miss V Paterson; Teacher of Classics, Head of Community Service