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Parent Staff Association and School Associations

The objective of the Parent Staff Association (PSA) is to promote activities that benefit our children and the school.

We organise a number of fundraising and social events throughout the year, such as a Christmas Fair, a quiz night, a summer term drinks evening and our second-hand uniform sale at the end of the school year. We also organise welcome drinks for new parents and individual class events organised at form level by our Class Reps.

Working for the whole school.

The PSA offer support at events such as Parent-Teacher evenings, Open Days and the Open Evening where they organise refreshments for the staff and many hundreds of visitors.

PSA Council

PSA activities are organised by the PSA Council with the involvement and support of parents across the school. The PSA Council comprises parent and staff members. Parent members are elected at our Annual General Meeting and from those we fill the PSA officer roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The school members consist of the Head, the Principal Deputy Head and the Assistant Head Co-Curriculum. The Council usually meets once each term.

If you would like any further information on the PSA or its events, you can contact us at [email protected]

School Associations

Several associations and interest groups have links with or support the work of the School