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Legacy Giving

Many alumni and friends of the School choose to remember KGS in their will. After you've taken care of the people closest to you, a small percentage of any remaining funds could make a huge difference to our Bursary Fund. 

All legacies to charities are tax free. If you make a gift in your Will, the value will be deducted from your estate before inheritance tax is calculated, which means that you can support us and reduce any potential inheritance tax liability at the same time.

We recommend that you consult a solicitor or professional adviser, for specialist advice according to your own individual circumstances.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].


Making a Difference

Our alumni are the best advocates for the transformative power of a KGS education. Chris Carnegy (OK 1980) works in media and broadcasting and he tells us why he has included the School in his will:

"Few experiences can change the course of your life in quite the way that your schooldays can. For me, KGS brought so many opportunities, including many outside the classroom, that broadened my horizons and helped me find my way ahead. So when I was thinking about my will, it seemed natural to want to help someone else to have the same life chances.

I'm not planning to die anytime soon – but I hope my bequest will eventually help the Bursary Fund, so that more young people from every background can benefit from the KGS experience. Arranging a bequest is a simple thing to do; part of its beauty is that you'll only ever be able to imagine the potential it might unleash."

On behalf of all students who will benefit from your bequest, a heartfelt thank you.

Stephen Lehec
Head Master