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Sixth Form Academic Achievements

Being a part of the Sixth Form at KGS is both challenging and stimulating and each year we offer approximately 50 places to enthusiastic and highly motivated external entrants of an excellent calibre.

A Successful Learning Environment

We create an environment in which our students achieve superb public examination results whilst also developing their personal and leadership skills.

The study of A Levels is complemented by academic enrichment courses, community service and a wide range of co-curricular activities.

We believe that the varied package on offer at KGS forms an excellent springboard to success after our students leave the School.

Students choose from 26 subjects at A Level, and are encouraged to enhance their knowledge and range of interests through independent study. All students attend a fortnightly Sixth Form lecture and the Lower Sixth students can participate in the Academic Enrichment programme where they undertake options such as an Extended Project Qualification, AS Critical Thinking, GCSE Italian, an Introduction to Thermodynamics, an NVQ in Leadership & Management, MOOCs and Open University online courses.

Most popular university subjects last year:

  • Business
  • Biology
  • Modern Languages
  • Medicine
  • Psychology
  • Engineering
  • Economics

Most popular university choices last year:

2023 leavers’ destinations included:

  • Oxford                                                               
  • Cambridge
  • Nottingham 
  • Newcastle 
  • Manchester 
  • Exeter 
  • Leeds
  • Bath 
  • Bristol
  • Durham

We hope that past students look back on their time in the Sixth Form with fondness, and see it as a pivotal point in their education where they developed the resilience, life skills and personal qualities to be articulate, well-informed and independent individuals.