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Alumni Wall

If you’re local to Kingston you may have seen our spectacular alumni wall, unveiled in August as a tribute to former students. 

Stretching the 23-metre length of its QEII building on London Road, the frieze has taken almost two years to create from the initial planning stage to final production. Featured on the wall area:

Dr Amy Hughes MBE  - Humanitarian

Zach Wallace - Athlete

Alexander McLean - Humanitarian

Flt Lt Ian Fortune DFC - Helicopter pilot

Sophie Hosking MBE - Athlete

Michael Frayn - Writer

Peter Harris - Entrepreneur

Dr Nathan Robinson - Marine biologist

Sarah Evans - Athlete

Andy Sturgeon - Garden designer

Sophie Dunster - Fashion designer

Edward Gibbon - Historian

James Cracknell OBE - Athlete

Dr Na’eem Ahmed BEM - Doctor

Lara Mott - CEO & Co-founder

Kerem Hasan - Conductor

Robert C. Sherriff - Writer

Sophie Cornish MBE - Entrepreneur

Flickr album: KGS Frieze Alumni Wall | Height: 550px | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin


We are delighted that Old Kingstonians now feature so prominently on the exterior of the school site. Described by the Head Master as “a live piece of art which will continue to grow and develop”, we look forward to adding to it in the years to come, and we hope that it will inspire current KGS students and become a source of civic pride for the people of Kingston.